Topiary is the art of shaping and clipping specific shrubs or trees into tight shapes - from cones to swirls to clouds and lollipops and more traditionally - the spherical buxus se...
Topiary is the art of shaping and clipping specific shrubs or trees into tight shapes - from cones to swirls to clouds and lollipops and more traditionally - the spherical buxus sempervirens that are commonly found in English style gardens. 
Most plants such as Ilex crenata that are used for topiary are slow growing thus it does not take a great deal of effort to keep the shape and size.
We also stock topiary photinia (Red Robin) in a variety of interesting forms as well as conifers, holly and other small-leafed plants and shrubs, often available as a standard variety.
All you need is a pair of sharp shears, some special feed to keep them super green and health and you're all set to keep your topiary looking fabulous for years!
Please note that we only stock a handful of the same larger topiary species at any one time so do call ahead - we are able to take photographs of a specific item if you want to view before making your online purchase.